Friday, December 27, 2019

Steve Jobs Leadership - 5606 Words

TABLE OF CONTENT 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 Path-Goal Theory 2.1 Hersey-Blanchard Situational Theory 2.2 Transformational Leadership Theory 2.3 Transactional Leadership Theory 3.0 Application of Tranformational Theory to Steve Jobs’s Leadership 4.0 Application of Transactional Theory to Steve Jobs’s leadership 5.0 Application of Hershey Blanchard Theory to Steve Jobs leadership 6.0 Application of Path-Goal Theory to Steve Jobs’s leadership 7.0 Steve Jobs as a Charismatic leader 8.0 Uniqueness of Steve Jobs leadership 9.0 Conclusion Executive Summary Leadership style has an impact on all aspects of business in organization. Therefore over the last four decades, leadership scholars and practicing†¦show more content†¦House and Mitchell (1974) stated four styles of leadership as follows :- a) Supportive leadership - Leader will consider the needs of the follower, by showing concern on their welfare and also creating a friendly working environment to them. Leaders are also increasing the followers self-esteem and creating more interesting of the jobs. This is best to motivate subordinates when work is stressful, boring or hazardous. b) Directive leadership - Leaders will tell followers what needs to be done by giving appropriate guidance to them along the way. In addition, leaders will giving them schedules of specific work to be done at specific times. Rewards may also be increased, while role ambiguity will be decreased by informing them what they should be doing. This is useful when the task is unstructured and complex and the follower is inexperienced in their jobs. c) Participative leadership - Leaders will be consulting with followers and also will be taking their ideas into account in making decisions and taking particular actions. This approach is best to be used when the followers are expert and their advice is both needed. d) Achievement-oriented leadership - Leaders will be setting challenging goals, both in work and in self-improvement of the subordinates. The leaders will also showing faith in the capabilities of the follower to succeed. This approach is best whenever the task of subordinates is complex. The path goal leadership model specifies twoShow MoreRelatedSteve Jobs Leadership3274 Words   |  14 PagesMG203 LEADING IN A COMPLEX WORLD LEADERSHIP ESSAY ASSIGNMENT 2010-2011 Student details Family name: Aitken First Name: DavidRegistration number: 200915741 Word count (excluding cover page, instructions and references): 2748 Steve Jobs is the CEO at Apple. Jobs founded Apple in 1976, and the company has developed into a major force within the electronics industry. Much of the success of the company has been due to the leadership of Steve Jobs. He has the personal attributes which are neededRead MoreLeadership : Steve Jobs1426 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership – Steve Jobs Robbins, DeCenzo and Coulter state that the behavioral theories of leadership approach would provide more definitive answers about the nature of leadership (301). In this paper, we will use behavioral theories from different authors to analyze a few events in the life of Apple’s former CEO, Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was the mastermind who created Apple and helped shape half a dozen industries – personal computers (the Macintosh and iMac), music sales (iPod and iTunes), computerRead MoreLeadership Style Of Steve Jobs2042 Words   |  9 Pages 21st Century Leadership Name: Institutional Affiliation: 21st Century Leadership Overall leadership style(s) of Steve Jobs According to Williams (2014) Achievement-oriented leadership refers to a leadership style through which the leader often sets goals that are challenging and sets high expectations for the staff. Moreover, the leaders exhibit confidence that the workforce shall assume total responsibility and as a result put forward extraordinary effort while performing aRead MoreThe Leadership Style Of Steve Jobs Essay1721 Words   |  7 Pages Steve Jobs was a computer designer, executive and innovator, as well as an all-around role model for many people in both their businesses and their personal lives. As the cofounder of Apple Computers and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, he revolutionized the computer and animation industries, amassing a fortune worth $10.2 billion at the time of his death. 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Effective leaders are able to set and achieve challenging goals, to take swift and decisive action, even in difficult situations, to outperform their competition, to take calculated risks and to persevere in the face of failure†(investopedia).Throughout history there has been many leaders from Martin Luther King, Napoleon Bonaparte, Bill Gates, and Steve jobs that has shown good communication skills, confidence inRead MoreThe Leadership Style Of Steve Jobs Essay1717 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Steve Jobs was a computer designer, executive and innovator, as well as an all-around role model for many people in both their businesses and their personal lives. As the cofounder of Apple Computers and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, he revolutionized the computer and animation industries, amassing a fortune worth $10.2 billion at the time of his death.†(Hom , 2013) Jobs intuitively understood the power of cultural influence in sustaining the strategic capabilities implicit in his perpetualRead MoreSteve Jobs : Leadership Qualities1703 Words   |  7 Pagesleaders, it would be difficult to overlook Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple, Inc. There is argument regarding whether individuals are born with leadership qualities or if they are learned over time. Whether innate or learned, Steve Jobs was exhibiting leadership qualities at a young age. Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955. Given up for adoption by his biological parents, he was adopted by Paul and Clara Ja cobs of San Francisco. Steve and his adoptive parents moved to a suburbanRead MoreLeadership Style Of Steve Jobs1149 Words   |  5 PagesSTEVE JOBS The aim of this essay is to basically dissect the leadership style of Steve Jobs in accomplishing results. Steve Jobs was an American businessman, an early proponent of (PCs) and a social symbol. He’s best known for his two wildly successful tenures as co-founder and CEO of Apple. In 2011,  he had a net worth of $10.2 billion.  Throughout the years, his visionary ideas and close attention to detail were instrumental to the products that Apple would go on to create during his tenure, includingRead MoreThe Leadership Style Of Steve Jobs1426 Words   |  6 Pages Steve Jobs was a computer designer, executive and innovator, as well as an all-around role model for many people in both their businesses and their personal lives. As the cofounder of Apple Computers and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, he revolutionized the computer and animation industries, amassing a fortune worth $10.2 billion at the time of his death. Jobs intuitively understood the power of cultural infl uence in sustaining the strategic capabilities implicit in his perpetual vision of

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Old Man And The Sea - 1121 Words

Gertrude Stein made a tremendous impact on the author of The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway. Gertrude, an American novelist, poet, playwright and art collector, served as a mentor for Ernest. The novelist also served as a godmother to Ernest along with her companion, Alice B. Toklas. Ernest Hemingway used his experience with Gertrude in his 1952 book, The Old Man and The Sea. Santiago and Manolin share a relationship similar to Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein. Throughout The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway provides countless details conveying that Manolin and Santiago have a relationship that is more complex than a friendship. Ernest Hemingway portrays Manolin and Santiago’s relationship as all of the following: an†¦show more content†¦Manolin tells Santiago, â€Å"Now we fish together again† (125). Manolin’s parents strip him away from Santiago when he is young, so when Santiago returns, the bond is fulfilled. Manolin and Santiago no lo nger need to wish for each other’s presence. Besides having an inseparable bond, Santiago and Manolin appear to have a relationship similar to one of a student and a teacher. A teacher is a person who teaches. A student is a person who is studying. Manolin acts as Santiago’s student. Santiago acts as Manolin’s teacher. Manolin has been learning and absorbing information from Santiago since he was five years old. Manolin recalls a memory from when he and Santiago first went out: â€Å"I remember everything from when we first together† (13). From the beginning, Manolin has been retaining memories and skills that Santiago has taught him and one with him. Fishing is a very sacred activity to Manolin and Santiago. Manolin is an angler in result of Santiago’s teaching. The book says, â€Å"The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him† (10). Most students and teachers create a special bond; Manolin and Santiago definitely did. Mano lin’s entire fishing career budded from the information that Santiago provided for him. Since Santiago transformed Manolin into the fisherman he is today, Manolin loves him. After Santiago returns from his journey, Manolin becomes anxious. Manolin has been learning from Santiago since he wasShow MoreRelatedThe Old Man And The Sea1561 Words   |  7 Pages The Old Man and The Sea is more than a book about a fish and an old man, it teaches us strength and never giving up on ourselves. The Old Man and The Sea is written by Ernest Hemingway about Santiago, The Old Man. Hemingway is a writer known for his iceberg themes in his novels, where ten percent of its message is what you read and the ninety percent is hidden. That ninety percent is up to interpretation. My interpretation is Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea he expressesRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1154 Words   |  5 PagesThe sea in a way is like a living being. The way it rhythm ically carries itself, showing all of its majestic beauty. The sea has such power, each wave coordinately smashing against whatever stands in its way. Sea erosion, most commonly known as coastal erosion, is the slow process of wave action constantly shaping and reshaping the coastlines of our world. In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway portrays nature as a continuum-an endless progression of the invention and destruction which is ultimatelyRead MoreThe Old Man and the Sea900 Words   |  4 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea is a short, but rich novel about an old fisherman who, after eighty-four unsuccessful days in a row, hooks the largest fish of his life. Written by Ernest Hemingway in 1951, and published in 1952, the novel was the last of Hemingway’s novels to be published during his lifetime. The book was praised by critics, and became an immediate success. The story was also awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and was a factor in Hemingway winning a Nobel Pri ze. The story was publishedRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea Essay1718 Words   |  7 Pagesearly to mid 20th century. Known mainly for his success in writing the critically acclaimed novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway had many symbolic meanings instituted throughout this novel and many other works. Many having the theme of a hero confronting a natural force, as seen when Santiago confronts the mighty sea. Along with the heroic themes, Hemingway had become a religious Catholic man growing up and decided to include many religious references and biblical allusions. Since the beginningRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1128 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Analysis 3 The Old Man and the Sea was written by Ernest Hemingway. It was published by the Charles Scribner’s Sons in 1952, and contains 127 pages. The genre is literary fiction. The story is about an old man named Santiago who fishes alone in the Gulf Stream and has been very unsuccessful for the past 84 days. A simple tale, this takes timeless themes of courage of one man’s struggle and personal triumph. The author’s purpose was to write both a realistic andRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1412 Words   |  6 Pagesboth having completely different writing styles and ideas, seem to have an underlying similarity in how they view leadership and heroism. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway and Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh both show internal battles and undeniable fate within characters throughout each novel. In The Old Man and the Sea Hemmingway uses Santiago, the old Cuban fisherman, to represent internal transformation, renewed life, triumph, and defeat. Ghosh also represents similar struggles throughRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1586 Words   |  7 Pageswithin the plot of the novel, The Old Man and the Sea and the motion picture, Life of Pi. In the novel, the old fisherman, Santiago spends a few days out at sea attempting to capture the fish of his dreams. He battles through pain, thirst and hunger in order to bring the Marlin to the shore. However, whi le losing his prey, he gains a priceless experience combined with pride, respect and compassion. On the other hand, the main character in the movie survives at sea for 227 days with a wild animal,Read MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1395 Words   |  6 PagesBoth The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway and â€Å"To Build a Fire† by Jack London both explore the literary conflict of man verses nature. Both main characters share many similarities; however, they also have various differences that set them apart as well. In The Old Man and the Sea the story is about Santiago, an old fisherman who sets out one day and catches the fish of a lifetime. Santiago then spends multiple days fighting the fish in the middle of the ocean. â€Å"To Build a Fire† is about aRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea993 Words   |  4 Pages one Earnest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, is a captivating story about and old seasoned fisherman named Santiago. It is a tale of his epic struggle with the greatest catch of his life after not catching anything for eighty-four days. He face psychological challenges and encounters multiple villains. Santiago is fishing with a young boy named Manolin and the boy leaves the old man to go on another boat. Hemingway explains to us why they boy had to leave the boat. â€Å"But after fortyRead MoreOld Man and the Sea1537 Words   |  7 Pagesand Jesus Christ. In the novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway creates connections between Santiago and Jesus Christ that adds religious coloration to the story. Santiago can be compared to a Christ figure on the basis of his relationships with other characters in the novel. People look up to Santiago, as would a follower to Christ, hereby setting up a comparison between the two. (transition) Since the age of five, Manolin has aided the old man by working alongside him as an apprentice

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Business Entity Relationship

Question: Discuss about the Essay for Business Entity Relationship. Answer: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Figure: ER Diagram ChenOne fashion stores (Source: Created by Author) How Prototyping can be used in Requirements Engineering? Making software is a very critical task which is carried out by performing several methodologies over the entire development. In the process of software development, the first process starts with the gathering of proposed software related information over the software functionality, redundancy, architecture like the essential topic (Limitless Thoughts: Advantages and Disadvantages of different SDLC Models, 2016). By making of proper and sophisticated analysis of the proposed requirement and deliverable requirements, developers can actualize the scope of the proposed development. Hence it is evident that without a proper and efficient requirement engineering developers are not able to produce a structured and robust software or computer application. Prototype creation is a process of actualization where developers can get a logical view of proposed development (SDLC - Waterfall Model, 2016). The prototype is an abstract model of actual software which functionalities limited or locked down for each stage of development. In software development process there are five steps are present for complying the entire prototype making process. These five steps are described below The first phase of the prototype making process is information gatherings where developer tries to investigate the actual requirement from client requirement list and after the actualization developers set their development orientation as per their capability and adaptability. The next phase is making an initial prototype from the actualized information which is gained by analysis of proposed system requirement analysis (Soft, 2013). The initial prototype contains the necessary requirement to estimate the smooth functionality of the proposed system. The third phase is the review of the proposed application. In this step, developers try to understand the strength and weakness of development strategy, and if there any weakness found during the reviewing process the developers try to mitigate the issue. The last phase of prototype development is entirely based upon a process of reviewing (What is Incremental model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it, 2016). If the review process step backed due any unnecessary program fragments, then developers identify the issue and remodel the entire prototype for better technology enlistment. What is meant by non-rigidity of the software development model? In SDLC (software development life cycle) model, there is are two types of development, the mechanism is used to drive out the SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle Model) process. The first orientation is simply driven out by finalizing all the requirements processed for making a proposed software (What is Iterative model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it, 2016). In this type of SDLC model, all the development phases are work in a linear mode so that the upper phase of development can not start until its previous phase successfully developed. In this type of SDLC, development model all the development are tested after completion of entire development. This type of development creates much time complexity due to change of any functionality of the proposed application behaviors or architecture (What is Spiral model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it, 2016). Because if developers want to change, they need to change it from scratch and re-run the entire development process. This complicated situation is stated as the rigidity of an SDLC model. On the other hand, some SDLC model is intended to run the entire development as per small requirement. In this type of development, any type changes are acceptable at any time due to its adaptability and consistency nature of development. The main thing which is associated with this kind of SDLC based development is the robustness of developed application because in each instance of development produce a partial application related to the targeted application (What is Waterfall model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it, 2016). The SDLC models which are follows these rules to process the software development are called as Non-Rigid Software development Life Cycle Model. From following list, which SDLC models are non-rigid? Give justification of each in 2-3 lines. Waterfall Model Incremental Model Spiral Model According to the working functionality of the SDLC model the incremental model and Spiral Model are non-rigid models. Waterfall model act as a rigid model because in the waterfall model, all the development process starts by confirming the entire requirements so nothing can be changed or modify in the mid of development process (Ganpatrao Sabale, 2012). But in the case of the incremental model spiral model the requirements are not locked down by the development methodology developers can change their development process as per requirement. In the incremental model, all the requirements are divided into the small phase of development block. After the completion of each small building process, developers recheck the requirements for any changes (Kaur Kaur, 2015). If anything new-found on the requirements the SDLC model builds this phase as per new requirement and proceed towards next build phase. Hence it is clear that the incremental model is a non-rigid process of software development. The spiral model works in a periodical approach of development where an analysis phase of development analyze the requirements proceed towards the development phase. The development this SDLC model allow customers to check the outputted product in its evaluation phase. After getting an evaluated feedback from customer end, the Spiral Model reruns its development for improvement or modification of the developed application. References Ganpatrao Sabale, R. (2012). Comparative Study of Prototype Model For Software Engineering With System Development Life Cycle. IOSR Journal Of Engineering, 02(07), 21-24. Kaur, A. Kaur, K. (2015). Suitability of Existing Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in Context of Mobile Application Development Life Cycle (MADLC). International Journal Of Computer Applications, 116(19), 1-6. Limitless Thoughts: Advantages and Disadvantages of different SDLC Models. (2016). Retrieved 30 June 2016, from SDLC - Waterfall Model. (2016). Retrieved 30 June 2016, from Soft, R. (2013). List of Software Development Model and Methods. Retrieved 30 June 2016, from What is Incremental model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it?. (2016). Retrieved 30 June 2016, from What is Iterative model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it?. (2016). Retrieved 30 June 2016, from What is Spiral model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it?. (2016). Retrieved 30 June 2016, from What is Waterfall model- advantages, disadvantages and when to use it?. (2016). Retrieved 30 June 2016, from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Red Wheelbarrow Essay Research Paper William free essay sample

The Red Wheelbarrow Essay, Research Paper William Carlos Williams was an imagist poet ; he wanted to revision poesy in America. His whole subject dealed with visions and images. He opposed general statements and abstract thoughts. His verse form # 8220 ; The Red Wheelbarrow # 8221 ; was filled with images and thoughts that made the verse forms so easy to visualise. I believe that this verse form is about flawlessness. The 2nd and 3rd stanza # 8217 ; s, # 8220 ; a ruddy wheel/ barrow/ glazed with rain/ H2O, # 8221 ; provides us with the thought that it has a sufficient sum of H2O in which to farm. With this surplus of H2O there is no demand to worry about dry harvests. The # 8220 ; white poulets # 8221 ; in stanza four besides typify flawlessness becuase they are purportedly expected to put # 8220 ; perfect # 8221 ; eggs. All of this leads to the image of harmoniousness in the verse form. The first stanza # 8220 ; so much depends upon # 8221 ; shows that a garden cart is a really indispensable tool in farming. We will write a custom essay sample on The Red Wheelbarrow Essay Research Paper William or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is practical a garden cart would be usen on a farm since it can be used for all kinds of things from transporting fertiliser to haling hay. I besides found that each st anza of the verse form is slightly molded like a garden cart ( if you draw lines in the signifier of a trigon ) . This, added to the imagination in the verse form, shows the flawlessness that is found in the construction of the verse form because you can really â€Å"see† the garden cart. With all of the above mentioned, it is obvious how the construction, subjects, and images work together. The verse form is supplying us with a visual image of a garden cart with its description of it and besides by the construction of the verse form. This capable affair works together with the subject because it is all about images. Like an creative person utilizing a coppice, Williams paints a image with his words. I liked the manner Williams provides us with this one clear vision in such a short verse form. It seems to associate together with the thought of the flawlessness of images. Whether or non the poet # 8217 ; s purpose was to do stanza # 8217 ; s shaped like a garden cart is difficult to state, but it surely does add to the imagination within the verse form. Bibliography Baym, Nina. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Norton A ; Company: New York. 1998.